Spring lightness!
Stretch trench coat

Coat Dress View this item
The perfect length to shield your dress from the rain and a graceful high-waisted silhouette for a tall and slim appearance

Wonderful stretch

Made with stretchy and resilient material inside and out for long-lasting comfort you can rely on

Made in Japan quality

Seamlessly stitched and finished with elastic threading - a detail made possible with the finest level of tailoring and Japanese craftsmanship

Gorgeous from any angle

The gun flap and storm shield design on the shoulder and back helps to keep you dry, staying true to the classic trench coat style

Spring trench coat

A trench coat which embodies chic and elegance in one. Available in 2 colors
Other recommended trench coats

Stretch wool

Soft and stretchy for optimal comfort. Featuring a blend of luxurious wool and gorgeously lustrous rayon, creating a beautiful jacquard fabric

Elegant trench coat

Created with premium-quality wool for soft comfort and warmth and an elegant yet subtle luster. The inner lining also features heat-retaining material for additional warmth

Cotton-padded trench coat

Made with animal-free fabric and padded with superior soft cotton for extra heat-retention and warmth. Available in 3 animal prints that are sure to bring joy to your day
Pair with white knit

for a lovely look on a date

Pink Beige

Pair with white knit
for a lovely look on a date


Add a chic touch
to any suit ensemble

Pair red and navy for a sophisticated look

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