Like delicate porcelain
A lapis blue summer

A refreshing print with an unforgettable hue

A vivid botanical print colored like traditional ceramic. Create a striking impression with a combination of pure white and rich lapis lazuli hues – as precious as the stone and delicate like porcelain

Daily dress

Asymmetric draping for gorgeous coverage
The draping cascades down to the side ribbon detail, adding gorgeous dimension to the bodyline. Adjust the ribbon at the waistline for your preferred look

How to wear the daily dress for any occasion

Add a blue jacket for a refreshing look

Gather dress

Featuring a slimming mermaid-line
Featuring a 13 tuck-design which accentuates the waistline and a stunning mermaid-line skirt that emphasizes a gorgeous hourglass figure

How to wear the gather dress for any occasion

Add vibrance to your look with a striking red

Light as air

The soft and comfortable jersey fabric stretches in every direction, while the luxurious thickness envelops the body to provide maximum coverage. This original jersey dress keeps its shape even after many washes

Premium Tokyo-made quality

Only 0.5% of domestic apparel in Japan is made in Tokyo, including this gorgeous piece. Seamlessly finished with elastic threading throughout the stretchy material for 360 comfort - a mark of expert, high-quality craftsmanship.

Recommended items for those who like the Blue Leaf print

Perfect for the busy woman!

kay me’s key features

All clothing is made from fabrics that are machine-washable. Save time and money with no need for dry-cleaning

Items are made from our advanced stretchy materials for day-long comfort

kay me is 100% ethically made in Japan

The gorgeous details were crafted by the hands of highly skilled Japanese artisans, providing flattering coverage and emphasizing the natural hourglass silhouette without compromising comfort

In-store ordering

Contact one of our stores beforehand to pre-order an item, and we will have it available at the location on a specified date/time of your choice
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